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Wilson, N. (2018) "Authenticity"; "Early music"; "Werkreue" entries in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music (Eds) C. Lawson and R. Stowell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Martin, L. and Wilson, N. (2018) Serious realist philosophy and applied entrepreneurship. In Fayolle, A., Ramoglou, S., Karataş-Özkan, M. and K. Nicolopoulou. (eds) Philosophical Reflexivity in Entrepreneurship: Understanding, Challenging, Advancing, and Synthesising Worldviews in Entrepreneurship Research.Abingdon: Routledge.
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Wilson, N. and Gross, J. (2017) Caring for Cultural Freedom: An Ecological Approach to Supporting Young People’s Cultural Learning. London: A New Direction (AND). October. (96 pages)
Wilson, N., Gross, J. and Bull, A. (2017) Towards Cultural Democracy: Promoting Cultural Capabilities for Everyone. London: King’s Cultural Institute. (68 pages) |
Wilson, N. (2017) Learning to Sing: De-familiarizing the Zone. In Culture, Identity and Intense Performativity: ‘Being in the Zone’. Abingdon: Routledge ANTINOMIES. ISBN-13-9781138185920 January.
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“An experienced practitioner and an expert analyst, Wilson gives us a fascinating insider ethnography and sociology of early music, culminating in a thought-provoking view of authenticity as art.”
Thomas Kelly, Professor of Music, Harvard University
“...it is no exaggeration to say that what he has written here is of profound importance.”
Peter Phillips, The Tallis Scholars, in Hip Replacements, The Musical Times (Autumn 2014), pp.93-100.
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